Stephanie Swartz is a professor at the School of Business, Mainz University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, Germany. Originally from the United States, she completed her BA in English and Philosophy from Juniata College, Pennsylvania, USA, and her MA in American Studies and Education from Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany. She received her doctoral degree in American Literature at Paderborn Universität, Germany. Stephanie Swartz teaches Business English as well as Intercultural Communication and is head of the language center at the School of Business. Engaging her students in virtual team projects since 2015, she serves as a consultant for collaborative online international learning (COIL). She has presented and published on the subject of global virtual team projects and their importance for experiential learning and professional development.
Belem Barbosa
received her PhD in Business and Management Studies – Specialisation in Marketing and Strategy from the University of Porto, Portugal. She is Assistant Professor at the School of Economics and Management of the University of Porto. She is full researcher at cef.up Center for Economics and Finance at the University of Porto. Her research interests lie primarily in the areas of digital marketing and consumer behavior.Izzy Crawford is an Academic Strategic Lead within the School of Creative and Cultural Business at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland. She has an undergraduate degree in Social Science from the University of Glasgow and postgraduate qualifications in Management, Public Relations, Higher Education Learning and Teaching, and Research Methods. She is an Accredited Member and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Izzy is currently studying for a Ph.D. with a focus on Collaborative Online International Learning.
Susan Luck is currently Professor of Business in the Graduate School at Pfeiffer University, specializing in organizational communication, change communications, negotiations, public relations, and diversity communication. She has a PhD from the University of South Carolina and is an arbitrator for FINRA, a certified mediator for NC Superior Court, a board member of the Charlotte Global Chamber of Commerce, and board member of the Charlotte International Arbitration Society. She’s a member of the International Association for Business Communication, International Communication Association, the Plain Language Association, World Affairs Council of Charlotte, Dog Writers’ Association of America, and Sisters in Crime, an international writers’ organization. Dr. Luck has also been deeply involved in the Justice Access Initiative, where is she is the only non-lawyer on the task force creating plans for taking the NC Justice and Courts system virtual during the pandemic. A former TV writer, she teaches both online and in the classroom and is the author of Zen and the Art of Business Communications.